Cannon Canvas Comics

Cannon Canvas Comics is an indie comic community whose goal is to encourage the dreams of those who want to make comics. We are currently focusing on the upstate of the South Carolina, but we refuse to limit ourselves if you want to join our community.

We don't offer anyone fame or money, but we offer you a growing fanbase to release your graphic novels too. Let us help you in making your dreams come true as we make ours come true as well!

About us:
Cannon Canvas Comics is the creation of Jon Riggins and Kevin McVicker, both life long comic fans who have a large desire to create and publish their own works. Jon is a talented artists and Kevin is an original story-teller who are both currently working on a long running epic called
Übermenschen which is currently in mid production.

Cannon Canvas Comics? Yes, that is our name. It come from a song by the band The Fire Tonight. The lead singer of the band was a friend of the both of the co-founders of Cannon Canvas Comics, and so also introduced them.